View the CoCoRaHS Bahamas Precipitation Maps

Welcome to CoCoRaHS Bahamas! The Bahamas Family Islands are delighted to be participating in the growing CoCoRaHS network. In collaboration with the Bahamas Department of Meteorology, Bahamas CoCoRaHS observers provide important information about rainfall that is used by meteorologists, hydrologists, farmers, water resource managers, environmental health, NEMA, as well as your friends and neighbors. This effort in the Bahamas is especially important given the great variation in rainfall across the islands (sometimes only blocks apart) from Grand Bahama to Great Inagua. What are the benefits of being a CoCoRaHS observer? By participating in the CoCoRaHS network you will make an important contribution that helps others, especially during flood situations. By providing your daily rainfall data, you will also assist in filling in important pieces of the puzzle that will contribute to the knowledge of the island climates. What do I need to participate? All that's needed to be a CoCoRaHS participant is the desire to watch and report weather conditions. You will need access to an internet-connected computer or the CoCoRaHS mobile device App and the appropriate measurement tool; a 4" diameter plastic rain gauge. A list of vendors who provide reduced rates for CoCoRaHS volunteers is found on the CoCoRaHS home page. The gauge should cost around $30 plus shipping. They are usually shipped out right away so you can set up your gauge in a matter of days. Please check with your local coordinators about possible complimentary gauges. The cost of a gauge hopefully will not stop you from joining. How do I join? Signing up to become a CoCoRaHS observer is easy. Just click on the Join CoCoRaHS link , choose the Bahamas and complete the application form. The application form will ask you for your station coordinates, which can be estimated from websites such as http://www.getlatlon.com. After applying, you will receive a username and password. Once you have a rain gauge, you can log in to report your observations, which will then begin appearing on the tables and maps! Training is provided and required for CoCoRaHS observers. Training is available via the link below through written instructions, slide shows and animations. Sometimes in-person training is available through your local island coordinator. Announcements of training sessions will be made. Click below for online training. Welcome/Informational Letter
Training for new observers
You can also report your rainfall using the free CoCoRaHS App (Android)  (iPhone) 

Anastashia Fernander Bahamas Department of Meteorology JL Centre, Blake Road P.O. Box N-8330 Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas Telephone: 242-702-5250 email: mafernander18@gmail.com THE BAHAMAS REGIONAL COORDINATORS
Northwest Bahamas Regional Coordinators
Anastashia Fernander Godfrey Burnside
Bahamas Department of Meteorology JL Centre, Blake Road P.O. Box N-8330 Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas
Telephone: 242-702-5250 mafernander18@gmail.com godfrey.burnside@gmail.com
- Bimini and Cat Cay - Berry Islands - Central Eleuthera - Central Abaco - Central Andros - East Grand Bahama - City of Freeport, Grand Bahama - Grand Cay, Abaco - Harbour Island - Hope Town, Abaco - Mangrove Cay, Andros - Moore's Island, Abaco - North Eleuthera - North Abaco - New Providence - North Andros - South Andros - South Eleuthera - South Abaco - Spanish Wells, Eleuthera - West Grand Bahama
Central Bahamas Regional Coordinators
Arnold King Godfrey Burnside
Bahamas Department of Meteorology JL Centre, Blake Road P.O. Box N-8330 Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas Telephone: 242-702-5250 arnoldking112@gmail.com godfrey.burnside@gmail.com
- Black Point, Exuma - Cat Island - Exuma - Long Island - Rum Cay - San Salvador
Southeastern Bahamas Regional Coordinators
Mary Butler Godfrey Burnside Bahamas Department of Meteorology JL Centre, Blake Road P.O. Box N-8330 Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas Telephone: 242-702-5250 mary.butl@gmail.com godfrey.burnside@gmail.com
- Acklins Islands - Crooked Island and Long Cay - Inagua - Mayaguana - Ragged Island
The CoCoRaHS-Bahamas Pilot Project is sponsored by