North Carolina CoCoRaHS Regional Coordinators
Regional Coordinators
Jeffrey Taylor, Christopher Horne & Josh Palmer National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office Greenville-Spartanburg GSP International Airport 1549 GSP Drive Greer, SC 29651 864-848-3859 jeff.taylor@noaa.gov christopher.horne@noaa.gov joshua.palmer@noaa.gov
Alexander County - TBD
Avery County - TBD
Buncombe County Christopher Godfrey 828-232-5160 cgodfrey@unca.edu
Burke County - TBD
Cabarrus - City of Concord Jim Sells 704-920-5528 sellsj@ci.concord.nc.us
Caldwell County - TBD
Catawba County Joe Spears jgspears@gmail.com
Cherokee County Doug Clement 828-837-2210/2917 doug_clement@ncsu.edu
Clay County - TBD
Cleveland County - TBD
Davie County James George DavieCountyNCDV1@aol.com 336-492-8001
Gaston County Chad Barker 704-865-9718 barkercp@bellsouth.net
Graham County - TBD
Haywood County Myles Ross nchammer@bellsouth.net
Henderson County Christopher Godfrey 828-232-5160 cgodfrey@unca.edu
Iredell County Terry Devine 704-663-0438 (Home) 704-619-2838 (Cell) tdevine2@gmail.com
Jackson County Rob Hawk 828-456-3575 robert_hawk@ncsu.edu
Lincoln County Candice Jordan candicej@cityofgastonia.com
Macon County Simon Hyatt 828-349-2000 shyatt2.maconnc@gmail.com
Madison County Pat Momich pmomich@gmail.com
McDowell County - TBD
Mecklenburg County Matthew Eastin 704-687-5914 mdeastin@uncc.edu
Mitchell County - TBD
Polk County David Smith 828-275-2873 d.smith.7363@gmail.com
Rowan County David Beaver 704-637-3798 ddcbeaver@msn.com
Rutherford County Tom H. Ruppe and Lisa Marie Barrett ruppethomas@yahoo.com, Cell: 828-980-5867 or rutherford.cocorahs@gmail.com
Swain County - TBD
Transylvania County Bob Cole 828-885-5456 colerl@mtnisp.com
Union County Matthew Eastin 704-687-5914 mdeastin@uncc.edu
Yancey County - TBD
NORTHWESTERN REGION Regional Coordinators
Anita Silverman, Dennis Sleighter and Nick Fillo National Weather Service 1750 Forecast Drive Blacksburg, VA 24060 540-553-8900 anita.silverman@noaa.gov dennis.sleighter@noaa.gov nicholas.fillo@noaa.gov
Alleghany County - TBD
Ashe County - TBD
Caswell County - TBD
Rockingham County - TBD
Stokes County - TBD
Surry County Dan Geiger jalopy53@yahoo.com
Watauga County - TBD
Wilkes County - TBD
Yadkin Janine McLean 336-679-2191 (home) 336-244-7987 (cell) janinemc@triad.rr.com
Regional Coordinators
Alec Butner, Jordan Pegram- Regional Coordinators National Weather Service 10009 General Mahone Hwy Wakefield, VA 23888 757-899-4200 alec.butner@noaa.gov jordan.pegram@noaa.gov
Bertie County - TBD Camden County - TBD
Chowan County - TBD
Currituck County - TBD
Gates County - TBD
Hertford County - TBD
Northampton County - TBD
Pasquotank County Steven Dunaway stevenldunaway@yahoo.com
Perquimans County - TBD
Regional Coordinator
Tim Armstrong National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office Wilmington, NC 2015 Gardner Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 910-762-8742 timothy.armstrong@noaa.gov Bladen County Ray Surles 910-862-2392 ki4syk@aol.com
Brunswick County Tom Myers 7460 Huckleberry Lane SW Sunset Beach, NC 28468 910-575-6560 sunsetbeachweather@yahoo.com
Columbus County - TBD
New Hanover County - TBD
Pender County Katie Pfeil 910-200-6014 katieapfeil@gmail.com
Robeson County - TBD
Regional Coordinators
Shane Kearns, Charlie Bowen National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City 533 Roberts Rd Newport, NC 28570 252-223-5737 shane.kearns@noaa.gov charles.bowen@noaa.gov
Beaufort - TBD
Carteret - TBD
Craven - TBD
Dare - TBD
Duplin - TBD
Greene - TBD
Hyde - TBD
Jones - TBD
Lenoir - TBD
Martin - TBD
Onslow - TBD
Pamlico - TBD
Pitt - TBD
Tyrrell - TBD
Washington - TBD
Regional Coordinator
Phil Badgett National Weather Service Raleigh Forecast Office 1005 Capability Drive, Suite 300 Centennial Campus Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-5226 919-515-8209 phillip.badgett@noaa.gov
Western Central Region
Alamance - TBD
Anson - TBD
Chatham Mac Mcilwain mac.mcilwain@embarqmail.com
Davidson - TBD
Durham - TBD
Forsyth - Larry Sloop (email TBD)
Granville - TBD
Guilford - TBD
Lee - James Braly (email TBD)
Montgomery - TBD
Moore - TBD
Orange - TBD
Person - TBD
Randolph - TBD
Richmond - TBD
Eastern Central Region
Cumberland - TBD
Edgecombe - TBD
Franklin - TBD
Halifax - TBD
Harnett Chick Jacobs ncweatherhound@gmail.com
Hoke - TBD
Johnston Chuck Beal (NC-JH-61) Speedtrap@att.net
Nash - Allen Skinner (NC-NS-2) samshep2485@embarqmail.com
Christopher Lumpp chrislumpp@aol.com
Sampson - TBD
Scotland - TBD
Stanly - TBD
Vance - TBD
Wake Edna Gaston - caswell.weather@gmail.com
Warren - TBD
Wayne - TBD
Wilson - TBD