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Significant Weather Report
Station Number: MT-LK-15
Station Name: Bigfork 3.5 ESE
Observation Date: 2/15/2025 6:00 AM
Submitted 2/15/2025 8:08 AM
Notes: 6.0" observed before bed has settled to 4.9" this AM on the 24-hr pad. The NEW/OLD snow table now measures an incredible 18.7"!! (1/2" solid Ice-base not included). Snow has stopped for now. continued most of day through this report! 5.8" - 4.8" measured in three cleared locations around yard this AM. 6:15 AM 17.2 °F 15.0 °F 89 % NNE 0.0 mph 0.0 mph 30.16 in
Precip Duration Minutes: 1440
Gauge Catch: 0.24 in.
Total Gauge Catch: NA
Snowfall: 4.9 in.
Snowpack Depth: 18.5 in.