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Maryland State Coordinator
Kevin Witt National Weather Service Forecast Office Baltimore/Washington 43858 Weather Service Rd. Sterling, VA 20166 571-888-3500 kevin.witt@noaa.gov
Northern Region - Regional Coordinator
Kevin Witt National Weather Service Forecast Office Baltimore/Washington 43858 Weather Service Rd. Sterling, VA 20166 571-888-3500 kevin.witt@noaa.gov
Southern Region - Regional Coordinator
Alec Butner National Weather Service 10009 General Mahone Hwy Wakefield, VA 23888 757-899-4200 alec.butner@noaa.gov
County Coordinators Anne Arundel County-----Gregg Gallina Greg.Gallina@noaa.gov Baltimore County-----------Brad Lear bradlear@yahoo.com Carroll County----------------Ralph Ferraro rrferraro58@gmail.com Calvert County-------------- Marty Brumback brumbackmarty@yahoo.com Caroline County-------------Steve Tolley rescue-engine@hotmail.com Cecil County------------------Sharon Woods sswoods@zoominternet.net Charles County-------------Marty Brumback (301-520-8330) brumbackmarty@yahoo.com Dorchester County-------- Steve Tolley rescue-engine@hotmail.com Frederick County-----------Ralph Ferraro rrferraro58@gmail.com Garrett County---------------Bruce Taliaferro btaliaferro@GA.K12.MD.US Harford County--------------Brad Lear bradlear@yahoo.com Howard County--------------Ralph Ferraro rrferraro58@gmail.com Kent County-------------------John Vail john.vail@baybroadband.net Montgomery County-------Kevin Shaw kshaw29@verizon.net Prince Georges -------------Marty Brumback brumbackmarty@yahoo.com St. Mary's County-----------John Zyla JZyla@jfti.com Talbot County----------------Don Mahon bigkahuna@atlanticbb.net Washington County--------John Turner j.turner5@myactv.net Wicomico County----------Tom Nelson Shiloh-45@juno.com Worcester County----------Ed Englemann edeng8@mchsi.com County coordinators needed for the following counties: Allegany, Queen Anne's, and Somerset If interested contact: kevin.witt@noaa.gov
Cocorahs in Maryland is made possible by the generous contributions from the following:
USDA'S Farm Service Agency  Maryland Department of Natural Resources National Weather Service Sterling, VA National Weather Service Mount Holly, NJ National Weather Service Wakefield, VA National Weather Service Pittsburgh, PA Brian Smith, Washington Baltimore Climate Review