Volunteer weather observers across the Tar Heel State are encouraged to sign-up now. If you are interested in serving as a county coordinator, contact the regional coordinator for your region: http://www.cocorahs.org/Content.aspx?page=coord_NC
 Join North Carolina CoCoRaHS on Facebook!
National Weather Service CoCoRaHS Webpages: NWS ILM - Wilmington NWS MHX - Newport/Morehead City NWS RAH - Raleigh NWS GSP - Greenville/Spartanburg, SC
Upcoming Training Events:
View the CoCoRaHS training animations on-line. New training sessions will be posted once scheduled. If you would like a training session in your region/county please notify your regional or state coordinator. We are also evaluating the process of CoCoRaHS Training through an online software program known as GoToMeeting which would allow coordinators to present the training materials through a webinar format. If you are interested in taking training through the GoToMeeting process please let your respective coordinator know that as well. Thanks for visiting!