1) Important: If you need to enter precipitation accumulated over a multi-day period, please use the Multi-Day Accumulation report option that is available on your account.
2) We do not carry hail pads and were unable to find a local vendor with less expensive versions. These can be ordered through CoCoRaHS for $4.75 at the following link: https://weatheryourway.com/collections/other-weather-observer-supplies
Or, you can make your own hail pad: http://www.cocorahs.org/Content.aspx?page=MakingHailPads
If you have a hail pad, be sure to mark the location of where the pad is placed ex, 3 miles south east of "city". Be sure to mark your station ID on the hail pad report which can be found on the CoCoRaHS website! Always remember to anchor your hail pad, the last thing you want is your valuable hail information being carried away in the wind.
3) Your state Leadership:
 | Missouri State Coordinator
Anthony Lupo Department of Soil, Environmental, and Atmospheric Science 302 E ABNR Building University of Missouri – Columbia Columbia, MO 65211 573-884-1638 573-884-5070 lupoa@missouri.edu |
Missouri CoCoRaHS Regions

Western Region Coordinator
Brett Williams Kansas City/Pleasant Hill, MO 1803 North 7 Highway Pleasant Hill, MO 64080-9421 816-540-5147 brett.williams@noaa.gov
Andrew Atchison Bates Buchanan Caldwell Cass Clay Clinton Daviess DeKalb Gentry Harrison Henry Holt Jackson Johnson Lafayette Nodaway Platte Ray Worth
Southwestern Missouri Region Coordinators
Nicolette Zangara
Meteorologist, KY3 StormTeam 999 W. Sunshine St. Springfield, MO 65807 224-778-0182 nicolette.zangara@gray.tv
Thomas Olsen NWS Springfield, Missouri Springfield-Branson Regional Airport 5805 West Highway EE Springfield, MO 65802-8430 (417) 863-8028 thomas.olsen@noaa.gov
Barry Barton Benton Camden Cedar Christian Dade Dallas Dent Douglas Greene Hickory Howell Jasper Laclede Lawrence McDonald Newton Oregon Ozark Phelps Polk Pulaski Reynolds Shannon St. Clair Stone Taney Texas Vernon Webster Wright
Central Missouri Region Coordinator
Anthony Lupo
Department of Soil, Environmental, and Atmospheric Science 302 E ABNR Building University of Missouri – Columbia Columbia, MO 65211 573-884-1638 573-884-5070 lupoa@missouri.edu
Assistant Coordinator
Travis Bradshaw (MO-BN-31)
email: midwayweather@gmail.com
Adair County Audrain County Boone County Callaway County Carroll County Chariton County Cole County Cooper County Grundy County Howard County Linn County Livingston County Macon County Maries County Mercer County Miller County Moniteau County Morgan County Osage County Pettis County Putnam County Randolph County Saline County Schuyler County Sullivan County Eastern Missouri Region Coordinator
Patrick Walsh
National Weather Service STL - Weather Forecast Office 12 Missouri Research Park Drive Saint Louis, MO 63304 636-441-8467 patrick.walsh@noaa.gov
Clark Crawford Franklin Gasconade Iron Jefferson Knox Lewis Lincoln Madison Marion Monroe Montgomery Pike Ralls Scotland Shelby St. Charles St. Francois St. Louis (City) St. Louis Ste. Genevieve Warren Washington
Southeastern Missouri Region Coordinator
Sean Poulos Paducah, KY Weather Forecast Office 8250 Kentucky Highway 3520 West Paducah, KY 42086-9762 270-744-6440 x675 Sean.Poulos@noaa.gov
Bollinger Butler Cape Girardeau Carter Mississippi New Madrid Perry Ripley Scott Stoddard Wayne
Bootheel Region Coordinators Desiree Meadows, Kati McNeil National Weather Service Memphis, Tennessee 7777 Walnut Grove Road, Suite 1 Memphis, TN 38120 901-544-0399 desiree.meadows@noaa.gov kati.mcneil@noaa.gov
Dunklin Pemiscot