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Showing 1 - 50 of 65 Records. <Back  Page   Next>
Report DateStation NumberStateCountyScale BarCategoriesDescriptionView
3/8/2025  AZ-MH-25 AZMohave Severely Dry General Awareness
Exceptional Drought D4 status in the vicinity of Lake Havasu City along the lower Colorado River valley. Extreme Drought D3 status upstream and downstream from LHC. Even w/ 0.23" rain on early Friday morning, drought conditions are extreme along the river valley.  View
3/8/2025  CO-AR-413 COArapahoe Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
65% of NOAA normal precipitation. Beginning to see perennials greening up. Trees budding out. Bulbs emerging.  View
3/8/2025  CO-JF-573 COJefferson Near Normal General Awareness
We had 5.8" of snowfall this week,.6" SWE in that snowfall. Colder weather and sunny skies most of the week as well. Songbirds at feeders are active.  View
3/8/2025  CO-JF-585 COJefferson Near Normal General Awareness
Things seem to be pretty much the usual here on the Front Range.  View
3/8/2025  CT-NH-43 CTNew Haven Near Normal General Awareness
Water Supply & Quality
Recent signiicant rainfall of 2.55 inches, along with the recent melting of the snowpack, has soil moisture at near normal levels. Nearby rivers and reservoirs are at healthy levels.  View
3/8/2025  CT-NL-29 CTNew London Near Normal General Awareness
Tourism & Recreation
With a 0.73 inch soaking rain this Thursday, mud season is at its peak. The unpaved parking lots at the local state park are closed to prevent ruts. Although we are behind in seasonal total for rain and snow fall, conditions appear normal for late winter.  View
3/8/2025  DE-SS-3 DESussex Near Normal General Awareness
3/2-3/8 received 1.18" of rain in one event. Ditches and low areas held water for a few days. It was a windy and gusty week. Morris Branch is flowing at a close to normal height.  View
3/8/2025  FL-AL-50 FLAlachua Mildly Dry General Awareness
Lake Alice and the golf course pond are below average levels. Plants are flowering but annuals are needing watering. Lawn not growing much  View
3/8/2025  FL-BW-167 FLBroward Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Dry conditions continue with vegetation showing signs of stress in unirrigated locations.Temps are relatively cool reducing demand for AC use to minimal levels. Little or no heat demanded during the period.  View
3/8/2025  IL-MD-39 ILMadison Near Normal General Awareness
Ground is damp but generally no longer soft/muddy. Creeks running a little low. Small amount of water standing in some ditches.  View
3/8/2025  IN-FL-3 INFulton Mildly Dry General Awareness
Have had 1.12 inches of rain at my location during the past 7-days.  View
3/8/2025  KS-BU-25 KSButler Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Creek normal. Soil continues to dry out and now there are cracks in bare soil in places. Bird and squirrel activity has dropped way off. Moths still around.  View
3/8/2025  KS-DG-84 KSDouglas Mildly Dry General Awareness
recent rain ground moist  View
3/8/2025  KS-JO-53 KSJohnson Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
After over an inch of rain and snow equivalent this week, water was dripping into the basement sump pump well. The soil is saturated.  View
3/8/2025  KS-KW-2 KSKiowa Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
1.14 inches of moisture in the last 100 days is about half of normal for us. If we hadn't received 6.37 inches of moisture in November we would be hurting for moisture. The warm weather and windy conditions have dried it out on top and raised the fire danger. The wheat is growing and looks good for this time of year but will need more moisture in the coming weeks to make a good crop. The warm dry weather is great for the cattle and workers taking care of them.  View
3/8/2025  KS-OT-31 KSOttawa Mildly Dry General Awareness
Though we've had some snow this winter this area is still generally dry. This week we had a bit of moisture on the ground Tuesday morning, but nothing measurable in the rain gauge. Winds have been brutal, particularly Tuesday evening through Wednesday, and again on Friday. 30-40 mph, with gusts exceeding that. Temperatures during the day have been 40's and 50's, but the wind makes it feel colder and skies overcast. Most nights it's been below freezing - at least the chicken water has been frozen when I do morning chores. No signs of spring yet with plants starting to green. Everything is still brown with the exception of wheat.  View
3/8/2025  KY-CM-3 KYCumberland Mildly Dry Agriculture
.32 inches of rain this week.  View
3/8/2025  LA-AS-20 LAAscension Parish Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
March 1-7, 2025 Brignac, Louisiana The soil is too soggy to work, and the lawn feels soft when stepped on. Lawn weeds are rapidly growing while the lawn grasses remain dormant but are starting to green up. Over the years, I’ve noticed ruts formed by mower tires developing in wetter areas of the yard. This spring, I’m determined to address these low areas by filling them in and cultivating the soil in the area.  View
3/8/2025  LA-SB-2 LASt. Bernard Parish Near Normal General Awareness
normal but with the weather we get every few days the top soil is staying damp  View
3/8/2025  MA-BA-51 MABarnstable Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
still not much rain  View
3/8/2025  MA-BE-21 MABerkshire Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
During the past week 1.06" of rain fell, mainly mid-week. Streams are running higher and ice remains on the banks. Snow pack averages 4.0" deep with a liquid value of 1.21". Bird activity has increased along with that of small animalls.  View
3/8/2025  MA-ES-64 MAEssex Near Normal General Awareness
1.04 inches of rain in last week. Ground still frozen. Some daffodils poking out of the ground. Birds looking at the bird houses. Intermittent streams flowing strongly. Trails at local parks still very icy.  View
3/8/2025  MA-HD-28 MAHampden Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Total weekly rainfall of 1.50 inches which came mid-week. The rain, along with a couple days of warm weather, melted the snowpack now leaving just a couple areas in the shade or remnants of snow banks. Saw 6 wild turkeys in the neighborhood last Saturday and a bald eagle flew over a neighbor's yard yesterday morning during the high wind we were experiencing.  View
3/8/2025  MI-IH-32 MIIngham Near Normal General Awareness
Water Supply & Quality
About 0.7" of rain this week with some light snow. Still some remnants of the previous week's snow on north-facing slopes but the yard and garden are clear of snow, just a bit of mud and sponginess. Creek level normal for this time of year.  View
3/8/2025  MI-WS-11 MIWashtenaw Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Got rain and or snow several days this past week. Temps have been fluctuating, with some very warm temps predicted for next week. Trees are still dormant but my witch hazels shrubs are starting to open and lots of snowdrops are blooming. Birds a little more active at feeders and the chipmunks have reappearred. Spring is creeping closer.  View
3/8/2025  MI-WY-125 MIWayne Mildly Wet General Awareness
Rain and snow this week.  View
3/8/2025  MN-MW-8 MNMower Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Tourism & Recreation
We remain in D1 Moderate Drought. 4" snow this week has helped little, and our skis and snowshoes remain unused in garage. Birds, deer, and especially squirrels are highly active and coming closer to house. Ponding occurring as snow melts. Stronger sun and higher angle have been heating our house noticeably.  View
3/8/2025  MN-SH-39 MNSherburne Near Normal General Awareness
Cloudy and 27 Hi 47 Wind SW 8 mph. A day for dog walking and outside chores.  View
3/8/2025  MS-PR-14 MSPearl River Mildly Wet General Awareness
Ground is moist and we’re getting rain every few days it’s going to say wet  View
3/8/2025  MO-CN-10 MOClinton Mildly Wet General Awareness
Report for 2 Mar 25 to 8 Mar 25. There were 2 days of precipitation over the last week for a total of 0.83 inches, 2.5 inches of ice and snow. The total precipitation for March is 0.83 inches. The historical average for March is 1.90 inches. The current conditions are Mildy Wet.  View
3/8/2025  MO-NW-4 MONewton Moderately Dry Overall drought continues although we ad some rai and snow this week, Spring is showing signs of awakening with Jonquils in boom along the hill top. Deer are active and coyotes can be heard in the valley. High winds during the period have caused damage and power outages and we are under red flag fire danger warnings.Shoal creek continues very low.  View
3/8/2025  MT-LC-19 MTLewis And Clark Near Normal General Awareness
The snow melted out this week. No flooding this year. Just a light rain/snow shower this week. Liquid was less than 0.05 inches. Overall, things are still dormant, but days are getting longer now. Overall, conditions are near normal for late winter.  View
3/8/2025  MT-RV-18 MTRavalli Mildly Dry General Awareness
Water Supply & Quality
With no precipitation in the past 10 days, we are slipping back into drought. Snotel sites in the Bitterroot basin are now 80-90% of SWE normal. Low elevation snow is mostly gone, along with the good skiing we had in February. So much for the promised big La Nina winter!  View
3/8/2025  NV-CK-62 NVClark Severely Dry General Awareness
0.53 inches for the year.  View
3/8/2025  NH-GR-1 NHGrafton Near Normal General Awareness
Still holding on to an average snow pack for early march.  View
3/8/2025  NM-BR-239 NMBernalillo Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
The 0.17 in. of rain March 1-3 quickly evaporated so that we had dust storms on March 3 and 6. This morning the soil is wet due to the 0.16 in. of rain and snow last night. We are oscillating between wet and dry this month. The overall condition is still moderately dry due to very little precipitation December through February. Trees seem to be healthy at the moment; they are in bloom. The fruit trees are blooming too early. There will surely be another freeze to ruin them before summer arrives. Field plants have not yet come to life for this season. Our fire danger is high on the dry, windy days. Our water supply is adequate.  View
3/8/2025  NY-MR-89 NYMonroe Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Week of (3/2/25-3/8/25) observed more precipitation compared to last week. The precipitation observed during this week was a total of 0.60 inches. The amount of precipitation measured was more than the last update of a total of 0.22 inches for the previous week of (2/23/25-3/1/25). There was a total of 2.3 inches of snowfall measured for the week of 3/2/25-3/8/25. There is currently a total of 0.61 inches of precipitation recorded at station NY-MR-89 so for the month of March compared to the normal climatology precipitation at KROC airport for the month is 0.64 inches of precipitation. There is currently 2.3 inches of snowfall recorded at station NY-MR-89 so for the month of March compared to the normal climatological snowfall at KROC airport for the month of March is 6.2 inches. Conditions were the same since the last update from last week with the area seeing little measurable precipitation over this past week and the past several weeks. The area is considered mildly dry due to the surrounding environment and ground soil still remaining dry. Some evergreen plants such as Boxwoods are still showing signs of dryness. The monthly snowfall is currently so far below average for the month of, but below average for the month of March. Snowpack is currently due to a late February thaw that took place last week with no significant snow accumulation this week.  View
3/8/2025  NY-SF-103 NYSuffolk Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Ground is firm from cold weather, though a little squishy in spots. A very few flowers still in bloom in areas well exposed to sun.  View
3/8/2025  NY-WY-11 NYWyoming Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Mostly sunny and cold with gusty winds, then cloudy overnight with flurries and gusty winds. The high temperature was around thirty four degrees, with a low around twenty degrees Fahrenheit. Songbirds are eating a feeder full every two days. Intermittent streams are flowing but have thick ice in areas. More songbirds here. Canadian Geese are around in larger flocks.  View
3/8/2025  NC-BC-105 NCBuncombe Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Red flag fire warnings across our area. Multiple fires, partially contained. Lots of wind adn very little precipitation. Spring crops slightly early, due to warm temperatures and irrigation. Pollen counts high, along with Helene dust. Creeks adn streams lowering , in the midst of debris cleanup makes for muddy waters.  View
3/8/2025  NC-CH-61 NCChatham Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Society & Public Health
Water Supply & Quality
Conditions here are mildly dry. We received over an inch of rain last week that has alleviated the dryness somewhat. Jordon Lake is baneful and small streams and creeks are flowing. Tress are beginning to "leaf out" and daffodils are sprouting everywhere. Nights are cool and days "last winter" pleasant for walking. Overall weather is good enough to start playing golf again.  View
3/8/2025  OH-LC-10 OHLicking Near Normal General Awareness
Water Supply & Quality
Snow flurries late afternoon, but no accumulation. Ground is moderately damp. Local streams at normal levels. Observed a few agricultural fields being prepared for planting.  View
3/8/2025  OH-PB-1 OHPreble Near Normal General Awareness
Ground is still damp, streams are running near normal.  View
3/8/2025  OK-PH-1 OKPushmataha Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Beneficial rains fell this week with a seven day Total of 1.33" inches. Our soil conditions today are very wet with areas of water puddles in various spots across the yard. I checked the Doppler radar and it shows more rain is on the way, and this will go a long way in further improving soil moisture. Next, our Eastern Redbud trees continue to develop pink flower buds, and it is my hope to see flowers bloom soon. I also would like to mention our Daffodil flowers have recently bloomed and are putting on a spectacular show of color in our yard. Lastly, area wildlife remains active with multiple sightings of birds, deer and mosquitoes.  View
3/8/2025  OR-CC-76 ORClackamas Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Fire danger is low and backyard burning season is open. Many people are using the opportunity to clean up debris from the winter storms and from the stuff left behind as trees and more have been pruned to protect power lines. The creek has dropped nearly a foot since the high at the end of February, but it is still flowing fast and noisy. Last Sunday the Clackamas river was observed to be above its usual water line, and quite muddy looking. Daffodils and crocus are blooming, and weeds are growing. Soil is quite moist, and works fairly easily in the garden plots. Some spots may still be muddy. We have lost two fawns recently, and the neighbors have lost 3 large mature chickens. Not sure of the cause, but since all I have found had broken necks (but were not much eaten on, I suspect perhaps a stray dog). It has been freezing the past 4 nights, so I've needed to protect my sprouting seeds and winter greens. The dry days this week have been conducive to getting a lot of outside work done. I've seen people mowing their lawns for the first time this year. Mine needs a little mowing also, but I haven't done it yet.  View
3/8/2025  OR-CC-88 ORClackamas Mildly Dry General Awareness
March begins with little moisture-0.19"; following a wet February. Average March rainfall is 5.81". Soil is still wet. Some plants showing early buds.  View
3/8/2025  PA-CH-11 PAChester Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
We had some good rain this week. We're still down for the year but things aren't as dry as they had been due to that nice soaking rain of nearly 1". A local USGS well redout indicates ground water in the region is near normal for this time of year. River and stream flows are near normal; grass and pastures are still the drab brown that they usually are at this time of year, but now with a hint of green; our horses still don't have forage and subsist on hay and grain; nearby farms are planting and tilling, and now, as an added bonus, we have crocus, snowbells and even some daffodils beginning to poke through the soil. Of an added note however, we have had fire restrictions in place this week due to the dryness and the high winds.  View
3/8/2025  RI-KN-36 RIKent Mildly Wet 1.28 inches of rain this past week.  View
3/8/2025  RI-PR-135 RIProvidence Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Tourism & Recreation
With 0.94” of gauge catch this week, conditions are near normal for March. This week’s rain and warm temperatures have completely melted the snow pack as well as the ice on the Pascoag Reservoir. Mud season has started with ankle deep mud in places on the trails at Sprague Farm and streams are flowing rapidly for the first time since last autumn’s drought. Ri DEM has been making announcements about stocking trout on various local lakes and ponds so fishing season is just around the corner. The birds have been happy with the weather and are very active. Robins, cardinals, wrens, sparrows, mallards and Canadian geese have been around in abundance. Fire danger at George Washington state park continues to be posted as Low.  View
3/8/2025  SC-AK-106 SCAiken Moderately Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Relief, Response & Restrictions
Society & Public Health
Showing 1 - 50 of 65 Records. <Back  Page   Next>