Much below normal temperatures with two days of near record warm, followed with arctic air. Very little precipitation, little snow, overall dry conditions for the period.
(14 JAN to 20 JAN)
Precipitation for the period was 0.03”. -0.39” for the period.
Cal yr 0.10” -1.31” below annual seasonal normal.
Snow for period was 0.5”, -2.3” Season Snow: 9.9”, -12.9”
Snowpack for period was a trace with an average of trace Snow water equivalent.
Frost Depth, under sod, averaged 6.1” for the period. Peak was 7.0”, min depth was 5.0”
Temperatures averaged 16.9 degrees, -5.9 below normal for the period.
Soil temperatures, for the period, at 2” have averaged 20.3 degrees, 4” average is 24.1 degrees, 8” average is 28.6 degrees and 20” average is 34.3 degrees. -2.0 overall decrease, on average, from the past week.
Coldest January since 2022. The snow “drought” has continued from last season as well as precipitation. 7” frost depth, under sod, so the ground is frozen. The frost depth under bare soil has reached 15”.
Birds are frequenting the bird feeder. Winter birds are frequenting at feeder with squirrels and rabbits getting spilled seed.