Fire danger is low and backyard burning season is open. Many people are using the opportunity to clean up debris from the winter storms and from the stuff left behind as trees and more have been pruned to protect power lines. The creek has dropped nearly a foot since the high at the end of February, but it is still flowing fast and noisy. Last Sunday the Clackamas river was observed to be above its usual water line, and quite muddy looking. Daffodils and crocus are blooming, and weeds are growing. Soil is quite moist, and works fairly easily in the garden plots. Some spots may still be muddy. We have lost two fawns recently, and the neighbors have lost 3 large mature chickens. Not sure of the cause, but since all I have found had broken necks (but were not much eaten on, I suspect perhaps a stray dog). It has been freezing the past 4 nights, so I've needed to protect my sprouting seeds and winter greens. The dry days this week have been conducive to getting a lot of outside work done. I've seen people mowing their lawns for the first time this year. Mine needs a little mowing also, but I haven't done it yet.